Friday, March 27, 2015

Hausfrau Speaks-Examining the Examiner (TORONTO RELATIONSHIPS)


The person supplying the "User Content" for both the Toronto area "Relationships"  and "Political Buzz" blog is Christine Beswick.  Under the "Relationships" banner, states "Christine has been writing "for the public since she was a junior in high school when she landed her first byline for a weekly column in the town's local paper. Since then her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, and has most recently been featured in SZ Mag." "The Sting of Stigma" was published in the Winter, 2014 issue, but don't bother googling Sting of Stigma, at least a half-dozen other writers have used the same title for their own articles regarding the social stigma of patients who have autism, bi-polar and other mental health issues.  I was not able to locate Beswick's article.  (SZ is a digital magazine dedicated to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.) continues: "Christine is a graduate level educated single mom and writes on everything from relationships to investigating news that matters. When not writing, she spends time baking or serving the families in her son's school."

Christine's second bio at the, where she is listed as a "Political Buzz Examiner" reads "Christine has been writing about politics for the public since she was a junior in high school when she landed her first byline for a weekly column in the town's local paper. During that time, in addition to covering local and school politics, Christine worked behind the scenes of a newsroom on election night where she handled phone calls from the community and kept track of election standings. Now, she's serving her seventh consecutive term as School Council Chair in her son's elementary school and investigating political buzz that matters to Canadians. Christine loves hearing story ideas from her readers about what political issues Canadians want to talk about and can be contacted at (Redacted)." 

It's intriguing that the first "bio" states:  "Christine is a "graduate level educated" writer."  This might lead some to believe that she has a Master's Degree or better.  But, I think that is what they WANTED you to believe!  In this case, it could mean anything! No where in any online resources has Christine indicated that she graduated from any college OR that she has attended upper-level Graduate Courses, let alone that the degree or courses were in Journalism, English, Communications or Liberal Arts.  I was able to confirm that Miss Beswick is a 1992 graduate of Niagara District High School, Niagra on the Lake, Ontario.  ( 

In the second bio, she doesn't mention her "graduate level" education, but DOES include that she has been "writing about politics" since she was a junior in high school!  Additionally, it appears that Christine is much more interested in American politics than in the interesting issues in her own country.  I seem to not be the only one confused.  "Pirate" commented on a recent blog ".......the 'journalist's' latest is a column on Hillary Clintons' run for the White House. (Like there isn't anything in Canada for her to write on?). I am totally confused! A CANADIAN 'relationship" writer is writing on a trial in the USA/a CANADIAN ''political' writer (?hmmm) (does she change berets for that?) is writing on an US politician. Perhaps someone could point out some of the things that are going on in her OWN backyard in both trials and politics? She could have covered Magnotta but she didn't/she should be covering the Harper government and C-51 which is dividing a lot of people......but she isn't. Perhaps she thinks she is a Pseudo-American since the US BURNED her town in the War of 1812?  I am so confused."

Yes, you are not the only one confused, Pirate.  I've heard that "politics makes strange bedfellows" but, Miss Beswick is mixing the two in an unconventional manner. 

In yet another bio written by Christine, she claims to have "at the age of 15...landed her first byline for a weekly column in her town's local paper".  The bio continues "Christine is a single mom to her ten year old son with Autism, and when she's not writing, she spends her free time serving as President of the PTA at her son's school for her fifth consecutive term."  

It's interesting that Christine's LinkedIn profile offers no previous experience, no former employers and no professional references.something unusual for a "Frelance Writer" who would always be seeking another writing gig, especially a single mother trying to support a disabled child.  She lists her skills as copy editing, news writing, newspapers and editorial. Nowhere does she state that she is a member of any Professional Organiation, such as the Prrofessional Joirnalists Society which adheres to strict standards of journalistic excellence.  I could find no professional groups to which she belonged, either locally, nationally or internationally.  For as much as she claims to be a "journalist", in fact, she is not.  At best, she is a blogger.

I wasn't able to confirm that she had worked as a free-lance writer with a by-line other than four articles found which had been published at one time on a website called "". Again, she wrote nothing about her own country, the place she lives, rather, it was all about United States news!  This seems to hold great interest for her. (I wasn't able to locate any of these articles either.  It appears that "" did not renew their domain name, and is no longer available online.)

  • "Big Aristotle Launches Luv Shaq Vodka"  12/19/12
  • "Mayor Bloomburg wants to Make Composting Mandatory" 6/16/13
  • "Supreme Court Rules on ARIZONA Voter Registration" 6/17/13
  • "Understanding Neuropathy Symptoms""  6/27/13


RationalWiki confirms that is a "multiuser blogging site that presents itself as a news site" and says "Don't be fooled." has been criticized for its meager pay scale and it is common knowledge that pays its writers based on pageviews, unique viewers, subscriptions, time spent on the site and other variables called the "gawker model" made famous by claims it tells contributors that they "should not consider this full-time employment" and "tries to be very clear and transparent that this isn't a 'quit your day job' opportunity.”  As a result, a lot of Examiner material tends stoop to National Enquirer sensationalism, to attract attention — positive or negative doesn't matter, it's all clicks, and at times, I have suspected that Beswick encourages "negative" comments!  In the online world, you never know WHO you are commenting back to, and at times I've speculated that Beswick has alias accounts she uses to "stir the soup" in her "comments" section!  According to RationalWiki, there have been such ridiculous posts as "U.S. to bomb the moon on UFO witness John Lennon's birthday" and "Official disclosure of etraterrestrial life is imminent" are standard offerings! . Rational Wiki also states that "You will see enthusiastic Examiner bloggers linkspamming furiously on other sites (to the point of being in Wikipedia's spam blacklist since 2009) often touting their work as "media coverage" (and themselves as "journalists" or "the press") rather than just a blog post they themselves wrote."  Writers Weekly is quoted saying is "just another pay-per-click meat market, exploiting writers to attract people to their site by paying them pennies."

Cranks and those with extremely poor critical and logical thinking skills will re-post, link, repeat and copy Examiner articles as if they're edited journalism rather than some guy with a keyboard and Internet access blogging!  CAUTION: If you use an Examiner page as a reference for anything whatsoever, treat it with great caution. Not all Examiners are poor sub-standard writers...BUT.....

Wiki continues "The domain name used to be owned by the San Francisco Examiner, a proper newspaper, which now uses" The DOES offer a print tabloid edition in a few cities, usually free at mass-transit stops, BART, etc, and run "local" news. (But, then again, we've seen a certain Relationships Examinter who lives in Ontario writing about a trial in Arizona, so much for "local experts!)

So, you might be asking, what is the "win" for the owners of the  ADVERTISING. Did you notice how you have to click 3-5 times to get to the article you want to read?  I know sometimes just clicking the X to close the advertisement takes me there, whether I want to go or NOT!



Several months ago, If one could ignore the spelling and grammatical errors, poor syntax and the enivitable paragraphs re-stating the basic elements of the Arias Trial, Beswick produced an interesting blog. She followed the "standard formula" newspaper reporters are so fond of using: a basic recap of the trial.. "Jodi Arias is on trial for the brutal slaying of her 30-year-old lover TRAVIS Alexander in 2008. This case has garnered an international audience due to the savageness of this crime, and the seemingly endless lack of remorse from this particular defendant. There is no sentence to date delivered in this case because the defendant has manipulated and wriggled her way out of every chance of giving the victim’s family closure in this case."  Sometimes it's at the top of the blog, sometimes at the end, sometimes in the middle, but always, the "news reporter's recap", as if we hadn't a clue.

But, even more interesting than the blog itself, were the comments!  Most were well thought out, intelligent, full of other views, perspectives and theories. But, back in early January, whether orchestrated by Beswick to increase traffic or not, the comments are now disgusting!  Comments contain profanity, hatred, bias, and racial hatred.  But, Beswicks ploy certainly worked!  Prior to this new hate-filled commentary, her blogs rarely had more than 200-500 comments.  The blog of March 17th has a current total of over 2600!  More comments than she has ever received before!  Even Beswick herself gets into the hatred act! She doesn't care if she is universally loved, she is constantly on the attack (except with her SideKick "Tie")!  No, she seems to take pleasure in proving that she is so much better than her readers!  she regularly accuses commenters who don't agree with her as being drunk or high, and she answered one commenter who wrote to another commenter "Just call me Corki, Sandra! Take care, be safe!" With the following:

Christine Beswick. I think it may be time for you to put down the corki things, and the bottles they are in, and sober up a l'il bit sweetie.. don't worry honey, if you are having a problem making that choice all by your drunken self, I understand some information will be coming to light very soon that will help you in terms of....sobering up. Happy Friday :)

Her act is no different on Twitter, abusing anyone who asks her a question or questions her sources.  She is obviously a very unhappy woman, and there have been times when I've felt great pity for her.  She tries so hard to be someone she isn't, just to get some positive reinforcement, and she takes the smallest bit of constructive critism as a full blown attack, and then retaliates.

As far as the veracity of what is contained in this blog, I cannot corroborate and no proof has been submitted for public scrutiny.  In general, there exists a small contingent of Beswick fans who require no proof.  I'm sure that this is the same group who spotted ELVIS at Bob's Burgers last week. The content of the blog itself, has not been corroborated by any other news organization.  Beth Karas, when asked on Twitter her opinion stated "@BethKaras:  I don't have it confirmed. Until I do, it's not a story for me."  Jeff Gold (the Gold Patrol) tweeted "@jeffgoldesq: we will just have to see"  and "@jeffgold: we cannot confirm, so we are not reporting, in fact we are moving on to other trials"  Troy Hayden tweeted. "@troyhaydenfox10: not sure about sources. Need proof."  B. Atlinburg tweeted: @BAtlinburg: Every one of that main steam media has washed hands of this BLOG!" and "@BAtlinburg: Just admit the whole thing was to make money on hits to the blog". So, I too, will refrain from further comment on what Beswick posted, instead, I'd like to comment on the form of Beswick's writing in general.  I was once a single mother trying to support my child too.  Unlike Christine, I did not live in "a compound in a high tax-base" because I lost both parents before I turned 21. But, I do know how difficult it is to be the sole support for a young child.  I encourage Christine to attend her local community college or learning center and take a basic "English Rhetoric" writing class. Many people in their mid to late forties attend these classes, so she won't feel out of place.  I myself, didn't graduate college until after I turned 48, and I have great respect for "older" students, and I'm sure she would see the results in her readership.

Since January 1, 2015, Christine has written 38 articles on Of those 38 articles, only four (4) were written under the "Political Buzz Examiner" banner.  Of those four articles, only one was about Canadian politics, and the one and only comment on that post was by "captain psychedelic" asking "What a stupid article. Wasn't this same thing published 8 years ago?"  So much for being of the cutting edge of politics in your own country.  Of the other three posts, two on Hillary Clinton and the other on Mitt Romney, the most interesting seemed to be the one on Mitt Romney, garnering twelve (12) comments, five of which were by Christine, herself.  If the pay scale is based on visits an comments, not even the "silly season" of American politics can save her.

The remaining 34 blog entries which were posted online from November 20, 2014 to March 17, 2015, ALL but ONE was about the Jodi Arias trial.
  • 11 in November
  • 11 in January
  •   8 in February 
  •   4 in March
Compare that production to her July, 2014 entries which totaled 33 for the MONTH.  While the examiner has a lasses faire attitude about what their Content Providers post, to decrease work product volume from what one PREVIOUSLY produced in one month to that same volume over THREE months, indicates a serious issue!

There is another issue with her content,  Because she isn't producing content every day, she delivers content several days AFTER events have happened, therefore, readers have read that same information everywhere else FIRST!  While this would work if you were writing humor, which will be as funny next week as it is today, "news" is more time sensitive!  There were several weeks during the Arias trial when she didn't post her content until the weekend!  THE Trial was on EVERYONES "gotta know" list!  "What happened yesterday?" (Or this morning/afternoon!) Waiting 4-5 days is just unacceptable when your major competition is posting every day AND tweeting (and all of YOUR posts are regurgitated information from THEM!) She LIVES in CANADA, she's not in Arizona, she's not even in the United States! And as much as says that their "Examiners" are experts in the area they LIVE, as long as the blogs are receiving "clicks" no one says anything!

My last comments are on "style", sources and language.  Berwick's last entry began: "The glamorous high profile murder trial that is known as the Jodi Arias trial has wrapped up in Phoenix,  Arizona,". Admittedly, high profile!  But "GLAMOROUS"?  I think not! Being a "some-times writer, I know how difficult it can be to produce a post.  But, Beswick's training appears to be more "on the job" than in the classroom.  There's nothing wrong with that!  I've believed for a very long time that on the job training can discover natural talent better than just learning "technique".  

Beswick tends to use more "flowery" language, such as is found in young adult or romance novels. "It is a fresh path of grief..." Or "Every step that they have taken to this point has burned like coals on their soles..." Or "Napoleon (dog) now lives with a beautiful woman..."  She also finds a phrase and repeats it several times within one piece.  "This killer will fade to black soon enough", "Jodi Arias is going to fade to black", "this killer will fade" and she got creative with "She will disappear into the underbelly of prison society" and she will "even develop a few new minions"

She limits her sources to Twitter; Trial Diaries, (Jen Wood) (five times in this post), FaceBook and AZCentral.  Rarely she will quote Fox or ABC (tweets). In this article she wrote Jen Wood, Trial Diaries or Tweet seven times!  She rarely, if ever quotes anyone that she has actually interviewed.  

Lastly, will someone who lives near poor Christine PLEASE give her a thesaurus?  In this post alone, Beswick repeats the word "killer" 19 times!  Websters defines a "murderer who kills with malice and aforethought", which, indeed, Arias Is. she is a convicted Murderer.  And while all murderers are killers, not all killers are murderers!  It's that whole "premeditated" thing!  

People I know online have expressed concern for Christine Beswick.  Like me, they have observed a change in her demeanor, her writing, her production, and yes, even in the way that she treats commenters on her blog.  Although there are over 2600 comments on this particular blog, they all seem to originate from the same 10-14 individuals. I suspect that these same people have multiple sign-in names, so these would count as "unique visitors" each day on her blog, and she would get paid for those "extra visits".  But, if a neophyte like me can figure out that ABC is the same person as XYZ (because they both spell the same VERY unique word wrong), I'm guessing that can figure it out too. (If they care enough to try, and if they don't? Who cares?)

Concerning retailers and restaurants, I've often said that "I don't complain, I vote with my feet!" And, I'm going to vote with my feet with Beswick, as well.  I was willing to wait a few hours to get my daily fix of trial news, but waiting so long to read news I've already seen isn't my style.  I have noticed that approximately 80% of the other bloggers and Tweeters are not only college educated, but are also attorneys.  I can COUNT on what they report.  At one time, I THOUGHT I could count on CHRISTINE, too.  But this last post is right up there with  "U.S. to bomb the moon on UFO witness John Lennon's birthday"!  IF this post had ANY validity, ALL the other reporters, bloggers and writers would have been putting their spin on events too!  Yet, all we are hearing are ::crickets::

There is one thing in this world that no matter how much money you have, you can't matter how little money you have, no one can's your INTEGRITY.  An old fashioned idea, perhaps...but what was the major issue with JODI Arias? That she was unable to tell the truth.  And if you will lie to make money, you have no integrity.  You lack a moral compass, you lack ethics.  Lord knows I've made many mistakes in my life.  I've learned a lot by trial and error.  But the one thing I value most is that when I look in the mirror, I see a good, honest person looking back at me.  Someone my parents and ancestors would have been proud of. Yes, I've been known to "pop off" when I lose my temper or when I get frustrated.  I didn't claim to be a saint, only a human trying to do the best I can every day.  Someone my children will be proud of.  Until proof regarding Christine's post is brought forth, not just innuendo, excuses or threats, I won't read Beswick/ I hope that you look into your heart too, and read those bloggers, reporters, and news personalities who don't rush to report rubbish just to increase blog hits.  Read and listen to reporters who have values and integrity.


  1. Good, well written article. I wonder if anyone will have the nerve to ASK Ms. Beswick just WHY she does not blog about anything going on in Canada? I have yet to find an answer to that question.

    1. Perhaps the US is her "beat" just guessing

    2. I'm wondering if she honestly thinks she can't be sued for her libel because she's in Canada! HA!

    3. Sandra, I would be afraid to guess what anyone is thinking (I slept right thru Mind-Reading 101 at Texas A & M) and I've been so wrong so very often it is downright frightening! (There is not even the smallest segment of Betazoid in MY DNA!!) And I refuse to try...because my therapist doesn't offer refunds! Stay happy and healthy, my friend!

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. "Willow Tree" we don't speak like that on this blog. While I believe in freedom of speech, I do not believe that personal attacks aimed at other commenters is appropriate. While I am aware that one is allowed to make personal attacks and use profanity on Twitter, and disention and hatred increases comment count on examiner blogs, I am not paid for writing my OPINION, I am not paid for "unique visits" and I'm not paid by the number of comments. In fact, I'm not paid at all! So, I can basically state my opinion about what ever I please, using as many words as I feel are necessary.

      This blog is a democracy! And like every good democracy, you can buy votes. You buy votes by paying my rent, car payment, water, heat, electric bills, car insurance, home insurance, HOA fees, cable bill, doctor bills, pharmacy bills, fuel for the car, vet bills, dog grooming bills, dues & subscriptions, phone bill, cell phone bills, American Express, B of A, Chase, Ann Taylor, J.Jill, B.Magli, Macy's, Lahaina Gallery, Co.Resorts-Sands, Co.Resorts-Beach, 4 student loans and many more miscellaneous
      bills! So...Until you start buying votes have no opinion that matters to me, and I will darned well delete it if I don't like it! THANK YOU, love you, mean it!

    6. Willow Tree is (or was) Christine White of South Salem, New York. She was my constant cyber-stalker for almost two years. Moreover, she has been in the cyber-stalking/cyber-bullying business for a number of years now, harassing a number of people who are all now turning in her name to the proper authorities for prosecution--including all who facilitated her behavior, such as Debbie Maran, for whom Christine White called my family members on the phone.

      Willow Tree is no more.
      Pinkymane is no more.
      Lanablue is no more.
      PinkPumps25 is no more.
      She has abandoned these and all her pseudonyms and has been absolutely quiet for, apparently, the first time in many years.

      I believe this woman is truly nuts. Good riddance.

  2. Ummm...well...looks like you and I asked her! Any bets as to when/if she will come and read here! Maybe she will leave a lovely comment!

    1. TY for your well written, well researched, and informative post! Its been a while since I've read one. Ty ty ty!!

    2. TY for your well written, well researched, and informative post! Its been a while since I've read one. Ty ty ty!!

    3. TY whateva! I appreciate your comments...I'm trying to build up enough strength to tackle the next project! But allergies seem to have punched my nose! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Wonder which of us she will refer to as "Muffin" ?

  4. Oh! Oh! Can I be Muffy this time??

  5. You can be Muffy but I will be Muffin!

  6. Everything you wrote I suspected to be true. Thank you for setting it all down for those who can't see the forest for the trees. As they say, life is a helluva of a teacher and some people will have to learn the hard way!

  7. This makes me very sad. She and I have so much in common if your info is accurate. I too am a single mom of a child with autism. My daughter is only a year older than her son. I can attest to the struggles I'm sure she is facing trying to make a living. I majored in Journalism and minored in Communications at Queens College (Jerry Seinfeld's Alma mater lol). She and I both have a clear passion for murder trials. It's sad that she may very well be doing this to stay afloat. Caring for a disabled child by yourself is very difficult and it's not easy to maintain a full time job. I've fought tooth and nail to get the services my daughter needs and have been on TV for it. I had to take a leave of absence from my job when she was diagnosed and then I was laid off. I've been struggling ever since with finances and my husband left us 3 years ago. Not looking for pity just saying I know how it is. I would never however bilk the public to make a few bucks. I think she's a lost person that may need some help. So now, I feel sorry for her and I wish she would open her eyes and see what's right in front of her. This alliance with Tie is only going to bring her down. Tie will find a new boo and leave her in the dust. Tie only has loyalty to the person that is feeding her ego on that particular day. We know what she did to Kelly. We know Jen is steering clear of her. Eventually Christine will be her next victim. Like you said, if she had integrity there wouldn't have been an article at all. She has to take responsibility for what she puts her name on. This is no way to gain credibility. Still I now feel for her because I can empathize with her life.

    1. I'm so sorry for all of your challenges, dear! CB is fortunate that she has parents/grandparents to live with and assist her with those challenges! My own son was born with congenital heart defects, so I have great sympathy for
      any parent who must face the daily issues of a child with an illness. (Like
      you, I was divorced, and my parents were deceased, so I faced the issues
      alone!) I can only imagine how much easier life would have been if I hadbeen able to depend on my parents or grandparents! Like you, I went to college, often taking just one class a semester, so I could give my son a better life. I have great sympathy for the issues CB faces.

      Having said that, as readers, we must separate our feelings of sympathy for someone as a person with what we know to be right. Having a child with special challenges doesn't give anyone carte blanche to write unsubstantiated, unproven, libelous comments about someone who hasn't been charged, arrested or convicted in a court of law!

      We only are able to know what people tell us (especially true online!). It doesn't really matter if she supports her parents/grandparents and they live with her, or whether she lives with THEM, and THEY support her...either way, she lives an exclusive area of town, and is not suffering financially as you and I might have had to do. I used to wake up in the morning and wonder if I should pay my rent or buy my child's medicine...or worry that my car would be repossessed while I was busy at work! I suspect that is not one of Christine's issues, although I certainly could be wrong.

      Either quote you, she needs to take responsibility for what she puts her name on (written by Tie or not), and she has lost her credibility and integrity in posting her last blog.

      Thank you for your comment...I will keep you and your child in my prayers!

    2. Actually, I'm getting info that she has no worries for money.

    3. I couldn't agree more with this. God forbid someone question her on a single darn thing though. You could ask if the sky was blue and she'd tell you to back the fuck off. Lmao! Then Tie of course would chime in. How many times does she have to tweet she's "received" CB's text message?! We get, already. The 2 are BFFs or BOOS!�� Christine has completely lost all credibility and seems to be on a path to destruction. Talk about a catfish! Don't even get me going on what she did to Kelly. She needs to start paying attention to that little boy of hers and nethermind seeing who she can fuq with next. Her Tweets are nothing short of a raving lunatic. And kudos to you, Patty Kealey. God bless you and your beautiful child. Thanks again for posting this and writing what I'm sure many of us are thinking. Hopefully she seeks some much needed mental health. I've heard Canada has good insurances. Lol! Until then we can bet CB is on a total "delete party!"

    4. Poor CB...I'm not sure if she is "out if touch" because she grew up as a spoiled child who always got her way, or if she's is under the control of someone who isn't considering any of CBs interests, or if she just has some "special issues" that only a professional can deal with! She doesn't seem to have a handle on her own actions, or her own words. She uses the word "deflection" (as she's busy deflecting) like she just learned the word during her last Wednesday session! It's intriguing that the three of them seem to parrot the same phrases over and over like a triplet of juvenile delinquents! A perfect storm of nonsense...just about the time I start feeling pity for the three of them, one of them will tell a "whopper" and I end up laugh my butt off as I shake my head...their tweets range from "gag me with a spoon sickening sweet" to "OMG, you kiss your mama with that mouth"? If I had to choose being in a room with one of that trio and 458434, I think I'd be safer with thing for sure...if their lips are moving, or their fingers on the keyboard...they are lying...just gotta figure out what the scheme is if they are being nice! The trio won't last forever, tho...3 egos that size are bound to blow eventually... #hideAndWatch

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Thank you, Truly. I'm not saying these things to be mean...and I'm sure that those who saw Elvis mean well...well, you know how verbose I am...all of this won't fit into 140 characters! If nothing else, I had my say, i found out that what I suspected was true...and, should those two actually come forth with PROOF...I will happily write a retraction just as long as this one was...because I think it's very wrong 458434 is making cash from those tracings she makes! As far as MDLR -this is still a free country where you are innocent until proven guilty!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I know you're not trying to be mean and this does need to be exposed. What she's doing is not ok. She needs to find a new line of work so she can support her family. But obviously I have a soft spot for parents dealing with what I am dealing with. Don't see me writing false blogs for cash and I could certainly use some!!!

    1. Patty, I do believe that the Lord listens to our prayers and knows our needs. I'm glad that someone with such a soft heart took a few moments to comment and understands my intentions. It's so easy to misunderstand anymore in this digital age! My minister used to tell me "God never gives you more than you can handle!" And every single time I would ask him to tell God to "Please not trust me so much!" But, he was right...I was able to handle every challenge...and as a result, I became a stronger person. (which I really needed to guide a SON!) but, I somehow survived those difficult moments...and now my son and I joke about how "every night was soup night"! We both were healthier, because we both grew our own veggies; my 40 year old son (how did he get to be THAT old) is a great cook because of "soup nights", he learned a lot about making do with nothing...and perhaps best of all, our relationship as adults is stronger because of the time we spent together cooking "way back when"...sometimes those difficult times turn out to be special blessings, indeed...(we just don't see it at the time!)

      I'll keep you and your daughter in my prayers...I know an answer is just around the corner for you!

  10. A big part of me hopes Christine does drop by and read this article. It would be the most accurate and helpful feedback she could ever come across. In Canada, Christine does not have to work. She could collect government benefits and the same government would also help her get a real and useful education. By then she would be able to get a real job and a life to go along with it.

    Great article!!


  11. Anon-Z..thank you so much for your comment! Yes, CB did stop by and read this, but she saw it as an attack, not as helpful feedback. I would guess that is why she never finished college, or joined any professional journalist societies, because she sees constructive critism as a personal attack! I'm reminded that "you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink!" Because she felt I was attacking her personally, she and her "friends" are retaliating on Twitter and attacking MY friends. One even accused me of being a "stalker"! But, in fact, I did not write ANYTHING that any of you couldn't have accessed online; Google, Twitter, Facebook,,
    etc. Of course, they cannot attack the veracity of the content, because, as I said, it's all easily accessible by anyone.

    There are a LOT of things CB COULD do to enhance her own life, and the life of that poor innocent child she has. But it isn't waht you COULD do in life that matters but what you actually attempt to accomplish that matters!

    As long as someone provides her a home, food and a bit of cash for her needs, she will never reach self-actualization. That's really very sad, because she has potential. Imagine Mozart not practicing piano, DaVinci drinking all day, instead of painting the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo not getting off Twitter long enough to paint the Sistine Chapel, or Hemmingway or Steinbeck not sitting down in front of his typewriter! But it isn't you or me she's cheating,'s herself...and the less she accomplishes, to deeper her feelings of having a life in which she accomplished very little.

    If one is "poor" there are MANY ways to afford college (Stanford offers FREE tuition for families making less than 125K a year)...IF she is as wealthy as she says she is, there's no excuse not to go to University! The time spent on Twitter could be spent studying! She could even specialize in working with children with Autism, since she already has special insight, and TRULY help people who are REALLY crying!

    I hope someone helps her see with new eyes...I feel a lot of pity for her!

    1. You make a lot of good points here, and you made me laugh! Thanks! I think she may actually be Vi....Well, I'm going to do some more "high level" agency checking before I just spill all the goods.

    2. Thank you, Sandra! I appreciate your kind words, and your comments here are always welcome. You and I don't agree on everything, we don't even agree on what the "truth" is sometimes! But I respect you for not being a Sheeple! I've recently reviewed some older comments, and I wanted to apologize on behalf of the person who posted photos of your home and address. While it's not a McMansion in West Palm, it is better than the not-a-house I grew up in, and I think I remember that you were able to purchase it at a very good price! We must all start somewhere, not all of us are able to live with our parents or grand parents all of our lives! (My mother died when I was almost 12, my dad when I was 20, and my grandparents 5 years later. So, I had only myself to depend on!). There have been moments in my life that your little cottage would have been a McMansion to me! (and even NOW, you have a yard bigger than mine!)

      Take care of yourself, stay happy and healthy!

  12. Hausfrau, they cannot see what is apparent to the rest of us. I don't pity any of them, they made their place with their own words and actions and they will stay in that cold place as long as they refuse to change their behavior. Their pride and ego is too big for them to see the truth or to live within it. I don't expect them to change, but if they did, I would say BRAVO!

  13. You are breath of fresh air!
    Thanks For it.

    1. Thank you so very much, Alex! Your words mean so much to me! Needless to say, my thoughts and opinions have put many of my friends and me in the line of fire of false accuasations of all kinds; from being "h8ters", to "stalkers" to "JODI-Lovers". Surprisingly, no one has challenged the veracity of the content, such has/is being done on the current post written by Beswick! Perhaps I should take consolation in that! Las tres malas amigas están muy enojados y quieren sangre. Please also read these fine blogs: and

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    1. si no puedes decir algo agradable , no digas nada. Puta pendeja. no es de tu maldita incumbencia. sólo un hombre sin testículos se esconde detrás de "anónimo".

    2. Keri Lee, don't you need to be over holding Chrissie's hand instead of leaving rude comments on my blog?

      Being the mother of a disabled child is a challenge to be met, not an excuse for poor work product and outright lies. I managed to do so, AND hold down a REAL job AND go to college at night! If CB cannot write a blog that contains facts, maybe she should just stick to taking care of her child, and leave the blogging to other people. And, for the record: personally, I'd rather read that someone was unable to verify something than just flat out LIE about it just to increase blog hits! Here it is, end of the quarter, got enough comments on that blog to "be #1" again? So
      predictable! I write my blog because I LIKE doing so, not to make some "pin money", and certainly not to impress you! I'm not paid by how many times you come to visit, or how many comments you leave. Take your
      hate and your comments about how "I don't know anything about raising a child" somewhere else! Maybe if Chrissie spent more time with that "special needs child" instead of spending hours on Twitter every day, that child would have fewer problems!

    3. The truth hurts those who lie!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. When you are challenged for your ignorance. You delete the comment. Who you kidding? Jealous jacky, get a job. You'll never get paid for this garbage you spew. Just like Slanderer, your only friend. That speaks volumes as to who you are.


    1. I am retired. After serving in the military during the Vietnam Era, I earned my degree and worked as a professional for 45 years. I am over the age of retirement, my spouse is almost 72 years old. He served as an officer in the military, and after being awarded the Distinguished flying cross, obtained his PhD, and worked professionally for over 40 years. He currently gives his services to charitable organizations which serve the community. All of our children are college grads, one owns an ice cream manufacturing company, one is the curator at a museum and is married to a JD and the oldest manages a grocery store. i don't know who I am supposedly jealous of, but I have no reason to be jealous of anyone, other than perhaps yourself, who has probably never made any sacrifices for anyone else, has not suffered losses, has not buried your mothers, fathers, sisters,brothers, children and grandchildren, as I have. The only thing worse than buring a child is buring a grandchild.

      I'm not quite sure as to WHY, If you don't like the "garbage I spew" you keep returning? I believe THAT speaks louder than anything you say. I have answered all of your questions, made one comment, and decided that until you can act like a thinking adult, you are in "time out", and I will continue to delete any other abusive comments you or your pals leave! Because I can! Good day!

      Oh, PS- if you are referring to Ms. Webber, if I remember correctly, her last coup d'é·tat was answering the statement "You are too stupid to figure out who I am!" with the answer "Keri Lee", which I have been informed was a correct answer. I am old enough to applaud truth, wherever it is found. While I disagree with MANY things that Ms Webber postulates, I believe she deserves better than having photos of her home posted on the Internet and deserves to be treated in the same manner you yourself wish to be treated; with respect and dignity.

      Now, if you please, do not contine to visit my blog if it holds no interest to you! Do not continue to post your anger and hatred here. When you have something to say that helps everyone see the truth, or see life in a more mature manner, you are welcome. But, this IS my blog, and I will delete all comments here which are not illuminating. I am reminded Sirrah/Madame, that nothing good happens after midnight, perhaps you could find something more productive to do between the hours of 1 am and 2 am than leave your unwanted comments on my blog. Good day!

    2. Got news for you "Willow Tree" -- Hausfrau has LOTS of friends, and they are watching and listening just as I am. We all know who the troublemakers are, and I don't even tweet but I look at the hashtags occasionally and realize the hate and bullying that has been going on for months now. Like I said once before, bullying and hate never end well, and I suppose you have found that out for yourself. You need to take a good look at all your published tweets and "stories" -- if you could see what we see you would be ashamed, or at least should be. A little humility goes a long way, but somehow I think you've never been humbled, it's going to be a long fall for you. I even have a little empathy for you because I've been humbled before, and it's not fun. Enjoy the humble pie! You'll find it has a sour taste, and then you will realize you were the cook and it is your seasoning you must now eat.

    3. Thank you, Truly...yes, I've been blessed with many friends...all wonderful women who are strong in themselves and are able to put their own trials on hold when someone needs a word of comfort or a moment of compassion. I doubt that any are on the "World's Richest" list, but they are the wealthiest people I know. The caring, compassion, friendship and love are not momentary or only while convenient. A true friend stands behind you even during hard times, accepts their friends for who and what they are, and are friends enough to tell you when you might need to adjust the path you are on. I'm so grateful to have friends like that, and I try to remember always that to HAVE a friend, you must BE a friend. The word "friend" like so many other words, is defined by actions, not words. Any one can SAY the WORDS "I love you"...or "you are my friend" will find out, as 458434 will discover, just who your true friends are when you no longer offer them what they need from you....

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Love your blog! Great investigative journaling. Reminds me of another Canadian stalker B riann e C hanta (I have to break the name up....she get notifications when her name is mentioned on google.) Google that name. Makes we wonder if Christine and BC aren't one in the same.

    Thanks for keeping this real and keeping it about Travis. I cannot stand people taking advantage of victims, to make a buck or get their cheap 15 minutes.


  20. B.Atlinburg @BAtlinburg · Mar 26
    You can tell when Christine Berzerkwick get caught in a LIE. She tries to get people's accounts suspended. #jodiarias DIDN"T WORK ! ! !

    Saw this and I'm beginning to believe Christine and B riann e Ch antal are the same. If not, then they suffer from the exact social media afflictions afflictions. Both are Canadians. BC was administrator for FB page RIP Cpl N athan C irillo. Started a fraud gofundme....and scammed Canadian military families. When she was outed, she harassed these families.

    Not all of us Canucks are of multiple personalities.

    1. I actually like most Canucks I've met. I've met several on vacations in the Caribbean and they are always good people. There are always anomalies, and the most important thing is to identify and avoid them! One thing you can be sure of, once they start a lie, they keep lieing because they think their sheeple are all stupid, and they will never admit, retract, nothing! Sound like anyone (Arias)?

    2. Truly, that description also fits CB and Tie/Keri Lee.

    3. KayDee- we always run into Canadians when we go to our place in Ka'apalua! They are truly wonderful people, witty, intelligent and charming. They are from BC, like my stepmother was! They always seem so reserved, until the second "Lava Flow" (a piña colada with a good amount of strawberry running up the inside of the glass) that's when they cut loose with the humor that made Second City famous!

      Truly, in my lifetime of travels, I've discovered that most narcississts believe that they are smarter than everyone else! At first, they believe that their lies are SO good that everyone will believe them (because everyone else is stupid) then, after telling the lie so often, they begin to believe the lie themselves! So much so that they can pass a lie detector! (Like OJ Simpson--I'd bet 458434 would pass a lie detector too!)

      The "worst" of the narcississists are the "parasitic narcississts"...those, that like 458434 believe that they are "due" a living, provided by anyone they can convince to provide them a living! (My son's first wife was in this class, she seemed to believe that because she was once married to my son that *I* owed her a living...and her baby...and the baby daddy...of course, I told
      her that perhaps now that she had used all her welfare benefits...maybe it was time for her to get a job of her OWN...she told me that her baby was
      "starving", and I recommended that she call her OWN, of course, I'm a heartless witch...that would allow a child to starve to death!
      I decided to push the logic...I asked her if she was willing to go back to my son, act like a "wife", give up her baby daddy and give up the drugs...and the answer was "you can't manipulate me to do what you want!" And when she pushed me again for money, and I again recommended she call HER OWN parents, or baby daddy parents, I was "deflecting"...what's with these young people that just up and decide to have a child...then expect their parents or ex-in-laws in this case, to give them life-time support for them AND the baby (that I'm not related to!)!

    4. Yep, Pirate -- that's who I was referring to. They remind me so much of Arias. Lies and more lies. Hausfrau -- you stick to your guns. Today's younger people were never taught respect for others and responsibiity for themselves. Which is why so many are living with their parents/grand parents and begging others to support them. And we're supposed to be jealous of that somehow? Sheesh!

    5. Well, Truly, I don't remember your life story...but...with my mom dead by the time I turned 12, and my Dad gone before I turned 21 (leaving me in over 30K in debt, so I had no "inheritance")'s been a matter of pride for me that I never took even a dime from my parents after I turned 18, let alone continue to live with them after I graduated high school. I never accepted alimony for myself or child support for my son, either! I joined the Air Force to earn my GI Bill benefits to go to college the first time, the second time, I paid for my education with student loans which i, myself paid back, working two jobs!

      Yes, I'm proud of my own accomplishments. But I had help, in a great, great, grandparents WALKED from Pennsylvania to Ohio to iowa...leading that one skinney cow they owned, and their few belongings in a small cart pulled by an old mule. They were some of the first settlers in the territory. So, I guess I owe more of who I am to them...I shouldnt take all the credit!

  21. Hausfrau: I have finally figured out the answer to my own question: (Why CB does not write about Canadian issues). It is because both the EXAMINER , in general, and Beswick, in particular, are considered JOKES up here.
    I found out the old-fashioned way: I asked.......I asked in Toronto, I asked in Niagara, and I asked in Niagara-On-The-Lake. Hands down, if they knew of the EXAMINER, they laughed and asked why someone would read that! No one in Toronto even recognized CB's name but they did in Niagara & NOTL and (Niagara especially) laughed because they all regarded her as a joke.
    So now we know the reason: Toronto doesn't know of her because they think the Examiner is a joke and Niagara thinks SHE'S a joke so won't read the Examiner. NOTL just thinks anyone who bothers with anything so mundane as reading something about 'not our town' is just not worth the time. (Told you the place is pretentious as F@ck)!

    1. I lived in a place like that once...and, in thinking about it, I've come to realize that the difference between an "estate" and a "compound" is more than just international culture! The estates in our neighborhood (not in a "high tax base" because floridians hate that "t" word!) have only one "McMansion" behind a gated entry. A compound, however, exists when two or more houses (or buildings) share a single piece of property, which would explain the high tax base. Two houses on one lot would make the taxes very high.

      I just LOVE semantics! As I told Bazzett, there's a difference between a sofa and a couch. But designers don't say "couch"..they recommend SOFAS...they don't say Accent chair, they recommend a Bergere de France!
      In that same vein...we wouldn't redo a "compound", but we'd be all over a redesign of an "Estate"!

      There are a few "rags" available in town...all of them the same calibre of the Mostly used for the bottom of Spike's cage! There are a few articles, mixed in with bar ads, "escort" ads, massage parlors and the website run by the local Dominatrix. Today, trending on the Inquirer, I mean the huge headline "Jack Nicholson secret: Did his home have secret tunnel to Playboy mansion?".... turns out they know just as much as you and I do, but, if your dad was there, please contact the "journalist"!!

      Seems ever large metropolitan area has a little NOTL area...some more well known than Orange County, it's Newport Beach, in LA, it's Brentwood and Malibu, and here, it's Ortega. The Ortegros will look down their noses at you as the B&O railroad screams through their back yard 24 hours a day...I understand that you get so used to it, you don't even hear it after a while! (Oh YES...I'm SO jealous of hearing that TRAIN all night!)

      Well, Pirate, don't rain on Little Girl's parade...after all, she's worked decades and decades and decades and DECADES to work her way up from reporting "who was blowing who (or is it whom?) under the bleachers at prom" (she told everyone she didn't have a date because she had a "DEADLINE" to meet, and then she had to get the "editor" and "legal" to approve it before
      posting it! But, her cousin finally arrived, and she had a "date" after all!

      Oh, don't get your panties in a knot...its a JOKE!

    2. I think that if the only job my kid could get was as a writer for examiner, I'd ask him to change his name, put someone else's photo up and pretend like he worked at McDonalds!

    3. Amen Sister (or Brother)! Guess she can't work her mouth around the phrase : "you want fries with that?" .

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Damn, Administrator. I was going to let poor Willow in on a big secret!
    Many, many eons ago, when my son was about 6 or 7 yrs old, he(and his friends) overheard me use the phrase : shit for brains. A little while later, I heard him explaining it as : "you have a fart and it doesn't come out and instead goes to your head and melts your brain with the smell".
    So: next time you are sitting for hours just gazing at your navel.......let the farts OUT so some of the brain cells might just live.
    (You might also want to open a geography book and note that Florida and Ontario are nowhere close to each other. Ergo: it would be more likely that Christine and Kelly are one and the same instead of this astral projection you espouse)

    1. Oh, so sorry, Pirate...that new housekeeper here at my "Estate" is really fast when "Spike" the cockatiel leaves us presents...and she has informed Mr. GreenJeans to rid the garden of those dammed rodent pests, the rabbits...between the bird, rabbit and dogs, we seem to be accumulating a TON of fertilizer for the Gardens here at the Estate! I'm expecting some BEAUTIFUL roses this year!

      Well, yes, as a matter of fact...I DID happen to open the handy Atlas (which lives in our Library here at the Estate) and not ONLY did I discover that it is approximately 1565 miles from The Estate to Ontario, it would take almost 24 hours to get there, even using RMBDs Magic Flying Carpet, which I borrowed! (AND just WHO would care for Papa and Boo and Spike while I'm gone? And that dammed long eared rodent what is eating all of the salad greens, is NOT leaving ANYTHING THAT even CLOSELY resembles Chocolate Easter Eggs!) I should call the neighbor, Mr. E. Fudd to remove that pest! But LAST time he was here, he accidentally shot Mr. F. Leghorn, which caused a little ChickenHawk to move in...and the next thing I knew, The Estate had turned to TuneLand! It's taken Mr. Marvin T. Martian and our housekeeper, the daughter of QuickDraw McGraw who finally got the estate under, maybe I will just call Augie Doggy and Augie Daddy to come rid us of the pests that keep showing up!

      There HAVE been occasions that I suspected that CB and RBMD were the same person, because you never see them together, but I hired a Private a Eye, and discovered that no, RMBD is just NOT CB! On the other hand, the residents of NOTL have INSISTED that there is NO ONE in THEIR little village that even VAGUELY resembles CB, and the Lord Mayor says that there are VERY stringent rules in place to keep NOTL a drama-free zone, and will evict anyone not meeting the strict rules thereof!

      Well, one last thing, dear won't have to worry about my contracting the deadly S4B disease...when you earn the qualifying "elderly" before your name, like mine "The Elderly Hausfrau", you are awarded a special designation on your identification card that allows you to have "a Case of the Vapors" at any time you need to release pent up gasses. Special permits are given to men, such as my ex-husband, who produce enough vaporous gasses to supply the energy needs for the entire Imperial Valley! (AND he receives a small stipend for his "efforts"! )

      Have a great day, Pirate!

    2. Hahahaha! When vapors accidentally escape, I just speed up and yell TURBO POWER!!! Unless of course there's someone unpleasant nearby, then I move away, point and roll my eyes!

  23. Thank you for your essay on Christine Beswick. She is but one of a collection of bloggers who do not write to truth but attack with biting words and libelous content.

    Anyone can write a successful blog, as long as the writer panders to the crowd. Writing to truth is its own reward; for the crowd will usually attack and scorn the writer with numerous castigations (such as Willow Tree, a person with whom I am very familiar).

    Don't feel sorry for Christine. She didn't writer her essays by accident. Don't feel sorry for any dishonest, self-serving blogger. Once the harm is done, it's hard to take it back.

    Hausfrau--Ja, das ist gut.

  24. Drunkenhausfrau.....I am not sure what spurred your original investigation of CB, however as someone who has first hand knowledge of her lies, deception, twisting of half truths, I can honestly say you have uncovered and exposed a good 50 % or more of her personalities.. But the level of pathological lying goes back 15-20 years.... I must admit I actually lol when I saw someone else knew through vetting what I knew from first hand but could not get out there. Singed VINDICATED

    1. Well, Vindicated, thank you so much for your note! I'm happy that you had an LOL...I enjoy happy, laughing kind of people!

      Perhaps you live near her, went to school with her, in the PTA, or are related? I get the impression that she is a very lonely person & not very happy. Over
      the past year, I've watched her adopt a new BFF very quickly....then, a few
      months later, the BFF is gone..lovely comments praising her talents, cute notes sharing weekend plans-GONE-nothin...BFF never to be mentioned again...
      I've never met CB in person, never talked to her & maybe that's for the best. She saw no truth AT ALL in my article. (and, obviously)it didn't make me CBs "best friend"!) It's very difficult for her to take ANY critism, constructive or not...she views it as an attack. I've noticed that she is very "thin-skinned" &
      takes offense easily...she's narcissistic, yet has very little self esteem. (It is people like her that make me wish I HAD followed through on my plans to
      become a psychologist! Some minds are amazing, thought processes so illogical that it is an intrigue, an enigma, that's so interesting!

      I don't know if you keep up with CBs blogging activities, but last
      spring, she and BFF "Tie" reported that mitigation specialist (Arias Trial) Maria de la Rosa was to be arrested and have all of financial accounts frozen. Every reporter on social media was question about the accuracy of the report, NO reputable news outlet would confirm the story. As we
      suspected, NO arrest, no frozen accounts. "Tie" "disappeared", leaving CB to answer "what happened", which she refuses to do.

      About 6 weeks ago, truly wanting to know, I left the comment "What is the
      status of MDLRs arrest and frozen cash?" That seemed to send CB into the stratosphere. She retorted that she "knows who my husband is" & threatened to "send a singing Cease & Desist Order" to my DHs office. She indicated that she had "investigated" me & "knows where my daughters live & how to contact them".

      I'm not a mental health worker, but, it appears that CB is vindictive & maybe a bit out of touch with reality. If one stops to think for a moment, sending a "singing Ceast & Desist Order" to an attorney at a Law Offices is probably not a brilliant decision, neither is threatening to harass his children at their place of employment! I am not the only one that she has had in her sights recently. It is suspected that she either instigated or actually had a hand in making some phone calls to official agencies associated with several individuals.
      (I'm not able to reveal specifics on a public forum, especially without the permission of the individuals involved.) Her actions at this point are NOT those of "someone with enough sandwiches in the picnic basket"!

      I truly would like to know more, if you are willing to share your perspective. Does her family realize that she has "issues"? Have they taken steps to
      assist her? Many have advised me that my concern is "wasted effort"...yet, my compassion for others is just the way I am. Perhaps because of my late DS (our mother drank to excess while pregnant...& Subjected to malnutrition after birth),she was a beautiful person inside...but, she wasn't very logical at
      times...she never really understood "actions=consequences".
      Thank you for your comments...take care...
